I made 89 of the 90 blocks in the book and substituted one, making this a 9x10 layout. The sashing is interweave chambray in pepper, which I love and find to be a perfect gray and the cornerstones are sketch in mist I believe. I didn't give much thought to how big it would end up, I just knew it would be smaller then the pattern which has much larger borders, but it is still pretty darn big finishing at something like 86x95 or some such nonsense.
At the moment I am hoping for a nice silky voile back and the plan for quilting is straight lines, either just in the sashing or maybe in some sort of plaid arrangement, I don't know, but suggestions are certainly welcome. I am choosing to ignore binding for now, but there is a reasonable chance it might be that lovely chambray. I guess when this gets finished up depends on how quickly my backing decision happens, so who knows. For now I am just going to enjoy the fact that I have a finished quilt top :)
This is beautiful Cassie, I bet you're so pleased with it now you've finished the piecing. Can't wait to see it totally finished :)