And running out of time. 16 Days until Christmas. 9 Days until we begin our holiday travels. 5 gifts to finish.
Since my lovely little lady has decided that naps are for babies (but not her) unless, of course, she is snuggled on mommy's lap (right now for instance), my time to sew has been severely limited (I am enjoying it though, she is already growing so fast I know I have to soak it up while I can!). Thus, out of the many things I had planned to make, not too many of them will actually be done for christmas. And that's okay, I think I should be able to do the rest of the things I have in progress and have something for everyone in the immediate families, but I had to put a lot of things on hold. Sad times. I have only one quilt that I think will be is half quilted right now, I just need a couple more hours to quilt and then I need to make and attach the binding and sew it down by hand. Easy, right? Ha. But it should be done and at least hand stitching the binding is portable so it can travel with us and be finished in the week before christmas. I have 3 other things cut and ready to be sewn which hopefully will go pretty quickly and then another thing I need to wash the fabric for and then get started on which is a less pressing issue since I suspect I won't see the recipient until after the holiday.
So it is doable, it's just a lot, and the time is that much shorter until the middle of next week when hubbys semester is over and we have a little more breathing room. Somehow it will get done though. And, I have decided that I am just going to go ahead and make the blanket for myself that I have had cut and waiting since June once the holidays are over. I ordered the back and binding and I am super excited. And I think I even have enough to make a baby blanket out of the leftovers :) I also ordered some sweet double gauze to make a set of security blankets for the little one so that once she reaches that attachment stage, we can encourage her to use these. They should be pretty soft and wonderful! I also have the other quilts to make and plenty of other ideas floating around.
I guess at this point I don't know if you'll hear much from me until the holidays are past and I can start posting the things I am giving. Which reminds me, I better take some pictures before I go giving them away. I am very much looking forward to a couple of relaxing family-filled weeks before the start of a new year. Until then, I better get my craft on and get these things done!