Sunday, September 7, 2008


It occured to me over this past week that although I have no new projects to post, I certainly have plenty of past projects that deserve some love. Thus, because I seriously miss having a sewing machine, I thought I would honor a few of my sewing projects from the past year. I am starting out with my pillows. I love making pillows! Unfortunately I really don't have space to make too many of them, but that's okay. The first one came about from a pattern I found here and decided that chickens were definitely not going to work for me. And for whatever reason in the fabric shop I was really into brown retro, weird pattern fabric, but somehow it all came together and I love the result. For the record, the back is the same big flowery pattern as the center but I'm only putting up a picture of the front. I also decided on both of them to make ties for the opening so that I can easily take them off and wash them. The red pillow is a cover for a massage pillow that I accidentally ripped when I pulled the tag off and now it is slowly leaking little white round things. Man that sounds gross. Anyway, I needed a cover for it and decided on this pattern as I flipped through my quilting books. The back on that one is the nice red with white polka dots. They were both a lot of fun and to be honest, they are the only sewing projects I have done to date where the seams match up! I was and remain very proud of myself :) And now, pictures of my glorious handiwork!

1 comment:

  1. Oh i like! Also, did you know that the gov. of New York is legally blind! Ah the things that colbert teaches me! :D

