So when we were getting our cloth diaper start-up stuff, we got a few different kinds of wipes to try: bamboo terry cloth, cotton flannel, and....I don't recall what the others are made of, but it is like a terry on one side and more velourish on the other. In any case, the flannel is too thin and the bamboo terry are the best but also started coming apart in the dryer (they were supposed to be hung to dry, who has time for that??) so I decided to make some to help our stash. I went on and found some organic bamboo terry cloth with loops on just one side and bought a yard of that. It turned out to be a pretty stretchy knit. I got the one sided because I don't have a serger so I knew I would have to finish the edges anyway and figured I could back it with something else. I decided to use a used flannel receiving blanket we had been given (we have about a bazillion) for the other side.
I used a straight stitch since I didn't want it to stretch since only one of the fabrics is stretchy and used a walking foot to keep the layers together nicely (best.decision.ever.). I just sewed 7" squares right sides together, flipped right side out and topstitched all the way around. They came out perfectly. We love them and actually they are now our go-to wipe. I only made 10 of them to start but once some of the others wear down I will probably be replacing them. It was pretty cheap considering how many wipes I can get out of the yard I purchased. They wash wonderfully and so far, for the weeks we have been using them, stay soft and clean well.
So there you have it, aside from hemmed yoga pants (not very impressive really) this is my other very successful knit fabric project. We'll see where it goes next, but let me say, I have learned to love my walking foot, mostly for things other than quilting so far. I have actually been able to do a fair amount of sewing so far and have a handful of complete things crossed off my list, which feels great. And I only have one more project that I finished before giving birth and then we start in on the new stuff :) I have a whole lot to get done in the next 3.5 months!!
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