Item 2: The quilt shop hop was great! I didn't buy too much either, just a few really cheap quarter yards, and the beginnings of a holiday quilt. It was good to go see all the places in the area and be able to figure out where it is worth driving an hour to and where it isn't.
Item 3: I have already pieced the front and back of the stacked coins quilt I have been wanting to make. I still need to baste, quilt and bind and really, who knows how long it will take me to get to that, but I'm moving right along. Before I can quilt it I want to learn how to free motion quilt so I can stipple I'm going to make a scrap quilt and practice on that and then do the other one.
Item 4: I would like to show off the awesome camera strap cover I made recently. I had seen a few for sale and was convinced I could make one to cover the Nikon strap my camera came with and add some padding for my neck. I also decided that I could figure out how to put a lens cap pocket in it and I love it! I used the pattern here and then modified it, making it a bit wider to accommodate the little pocket for the lens cap. It took me while to get pictures to put up since I already had it on my good camera and wasn't going through taking it off again so I had to find and charge my little kodak the pictures aren't quite as good. I think if I make another one I will make the pocket a different fabric so it stands out. Anyway, here it is.
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