It was a lot of fun! I found some great stuff and got a lot crossed off my list. The remaining things are things I can get cheaper elsewhere. And actually I already ordered a layer cake for my crazy hexagon quilt that I can't wait to get here. The downside to shopping online: lack of instant gratification. Oh well, worth it. More about hexies later :)
Out of all that I got, the things not on the list were some sweet kaffe fassett polka dots and 6 bright colorful fabrics that were on sale that I just couldn't pass up. Oddly enough they are from Ikea which explains why they looked so familiar ha! How they ended up in a quilt shop in upstate NY, I do not know, I thought you could only buy ikea fabric at ikea, but there you have it. So now I just need time to get busy....and I need to stop adding more projects to the list. Tomorrow I go to a final quilt shop that we didn't make it to this weekend and hopefully they will have the 1/4" foot that I need for my machine to hopefully help with my seam accuracy. We shall see. A Joanns run is also in the works. Today I am just trying to get myself organized and so some things around the house (hello laundry!) and hopefully be ready to get some things done this week.
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