Monday, September 17, 2012

pattern storage overhaul

a.k.a. I finally caught the organizing bug and went a little crazy.

So for whatever reason, for the past few weeks I have been on an organizing/clutter reducing/simplifying mission. I don't much know where it came from, nor do I particularly care since it is precisely what we need around here. I was on a roll this weekend after we cleaned out our filing cabinet so I decided to attack my various sewing/quilting patterns and pattern pieces.

Does anyone else have a horrible time trying to figure out how to store these things?? I hate folding them up to begin with and then I just never know where to stuff them so that I can find them when I need them and all the pieces are together. I have tried a few things, but this time I think I've found something that will stick! Meet my new solution:

I went and got a 12" scrapbook binder from Joanns yesterday, picked up some {removable} labels and used some scrapbook page protectors I already had and ta-da! Some of the pages hold multiple patterns and some are just for one so I can label them as needed. I was going to just use a scrapbook, but the binder works much better and gives me a lot more space. This thing is huge!

It works perfectly so far. I am sure I will end up moving and readjusting things, but I love it. I don't have to fold things all that much which is nice and it holds a lot. I even put in pages for books that came with patterns that I have taken out to use so I can keep the pattern pages and any that I trace all together in one place.

Now this is just for sewing patterns. I did another binder for quilting that is just a regular 8.5"x11" binder filled with page protectors since nothing I had was bigger than that. It has some reference pages, patterns I have bought or been given or whatever, a page for templates and a page for random quilt block pieces all labeled and paper clipped together.  I'm curious though, how do you organize these things?

Seriously, I don't know why I never thought of this before. And I am telling you, with all the clothes and such I have been making, and the blocks from the skill builder sampler, all my pattern pieces and templates were out of control. As in, now I can finally see my top shelf again. It gives me a nice inner peace. Now I just have to decide whether to make more spiderweb blocks or finish that stupid fall jacket today. I still am not sure how it is supposed to go together at this point (the sleeve/lining finishing is completely baffling me), but I finally got buttons and kinda just want it done. We'll see which mood strikes me when I finally get the chance to work on something.

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