I have been promising her a new laptop case for a while now, ever since I made her one for christmas a few years ago that didn't fit. It was bad, made of felt and just....yeah, bad. So since I have used this pattern a couple of times with great results, I thought I would use it again with a few small changes. The most important is that I wanted it to open the other way, along the long side so it is easy to just pull it out of a messenger bag when you need it. It was an easy change with the way the pattern is laid out, just swaping one measurement for the other for the flap piece. I also opted for changing the velcro from a strip to two circles. I just got the idea in my head and couldn't get it out. Of course I couldn't find any anywhere, so I bought some 2" velcro strips and cut them out myself. I totally love them and can't wait to use velcro circles on a few other things.
The fabric is from Ikea and she picked it out one time when we were shopping. I had wanted a green flannel lining but had to settle on orange since the greens that I found just didn't go with the green in the pattern. I really like how it turned out. It was still a bit small for her laptop and I'm not sure why, but it seems to stretch out a little as she uses it and she assures me it will be fine.
So this is part I of her graduation gifts, parts II and III to come! I have so many things to make I am just overwhelmed and hope to be able to sit down and knock some things out soon. I have to remind myself, one thing at a time...
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