We (my little family here) are in a bit of a weird place right now. A transitional period I suppose, in waiting. We don't really have any idea what is next for our family-- where we will end up in the next year or two or how permanent it will be. It's kinda hard, but we make the best of it and make a point to enjoy what we have and where we are at the moment. We are pretty open when it comes to the husband looking for a job and where we are willing to move and we are looking forward to the next stage in our adventure, but it is still hard sometimes to think about packing up and leaving here and relocating the life we've built so far. This is the place we lived when we got married, where we brought our baby girl home, a place we have grown to love and are comfortable with. We know where things are and how to get places and the thought of starting that over is overwhelming, especially for two people who lived in the same town up until they went to college.
But we are up to it. And I wanted to give the husband something to remind him that what is important is that we are all together and that a physical place has little to do with it. Wherever he gets a job and wherever we move, I think we will be happy, at least I hope so. I had been seeing prints all over pinterest that inspired me, namely this one and this one. I wanted to make something similar so I pretty much blended the two. Keep in mind, my artistic skills are limited when it comes to drawing or painting or anything like that. Still, I can generally handle more basic things. So I decided on a scrapbook page and this is where it ended up.
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